Lindsay Stoetzel - Grand Rapids, Michigan

Lindsay Stoetzel is from Grand Rapids, Michigan and teaches for Gull Lake Community Schools. She has two years experience teaching 7th grade language arts, and this coming year she will be moving on to 9th and 10th grade English. She is very interested in the role of technology in transforming and extending the learning experience for students and hopes to continue sharing with and supporting other teachers in this endeavor through professional development opportunities.

She will be sharing ideas and examples for repurposing technology tools in the session
Putting the How and the Why into the What: Repurposing Your Courses in Light of What Technology Can Do For Student Learning in the 21st Century.

Kiosk Resources
For contact information and additional lesson ideas for technology applications in the classroom, visit my Digital Portfolio.


Diigo: Social Bookmarking Site
Moodle: Learning Management System
Wikispaces: Web Publishing Tool

Designing TPACK Video
This video segment describes the process of implementing the TPACK framework into my classroom. The video specifically models activities and choices for re-purposing the Diigo Social Bookmarking tool as a collaborative activity for teaching information literacy.