Christina Popowski - Singapore

Christina Popowski originally hails from Chicago but has been teaching HS French at the Singapore American School since 2001. Since she began teaching 14 years ago, she has had a strong interest in educational technology and is always seeking ways to integrate technology into the foreign language classroom in order to engage students with the French language and hopefully inspire a passion for the language and culture. Christina considers herself a life long learner and strives to share and model the use of current internet tools for both her colleagues and students. In her classroom Christina strives to provide sufficient learning opportunities for students to practice using their French while becoming digitally literate and quality digital global citizens. 
She will be sharing ideas and examples for repurposing technology tools in the session 
Putting the How and the Why into the What: Repurposing Your Courses in Light of What Technology Can Do For Student Learning in the 21st Century.

Kiosk Resources

This 6 minutes screen-cast is an explanation of my dilema with the use of online translators by my students along with an explanation of 1 of 3 activities I have designed to educate my students about the limitations and inadequacies of online translators. This first activity also seeks to demonstrate to students that their prior knowledge of the language, collaboration with their peers and a little input from the teacher, is a far more superior way to go about communicating while learning another language.